Our Lady of Dolours
Servite Priory
500 Bury New Road M7 4ND
Telephone: 0161 792 2152
The Servite Community
Rev. Vincent Coyne, OSM

Parish Groups
Altar Servers

The ministry of those who serve at the altar has an important place in the life of the Parish. Boys and girls are
always welcome. A short training course is provided for those who have received their First Holy Communion
Contact Fr. Vincent.
Bible Study

This group meets most Thursday evenings to discuss the forthcoming Sunday Gospel. Further information.
Contact Fr. Vincent.

Preparation for the Sacraments of Baptism, First Holy Communion, Confirmation and Marriage are supported by
Courses take place throughout the year. Details and contact via the parish office or speak to the priest after Mass.
Childrens Liturgy

Liturgy for very young children takes place during the 9:15 am Mass every Sunday in the little Church. A simplified
version of the Gospel is shared with the Children.
Church Cleaners

We have a beautiful Church and the way we look after it reflects the importance of keeping the house of God fitting for Prayer and Worship. Can you help ?

Caritas is the official charity of the Salford Diocese. Its vision is that the lives of people should be free from Poverty, Disadvantage and Discrimination.
For further information visit the Caritas, Salford, website: https://www.caritassalford.org.uk/. Look at our Caritas Information Board and Newsletter.
Parish Contact: Margaret O' Brien 07841 418 492
Eucharistic Ministers

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist have been a feature of parish life for many years helping with the distribution of Communion during masses and also have a special ministry in taking Holy Communion to the sick and housebound.
Funding Raising

Throughout the year our Summer Fairs are the Main Event. We rely on Volunteers. Can you help? The Finance Team oversees the expenditure of the parish.
Flower Arranging

Flower arranging adds to the beauty of our Church, the skilful art of arranging flowers makes a significant contribution.
Can you help?

The gardens around our church require a dedicated team of volunteers to maintain and upkeep them. Could you join this team?
If so please contact Vincent Cosgriff via the Parish Office.
Faith and Justice

Our Parish Faith and Justice Group is open to all those who are inspired by Jesus' example of love and service to others, especially the poorest and most vulnerable. We help support many different charities and organisations, put on events and lobby for action on issues of domestic and international justice.
In particular, we organise activity for CAFOD, support ecumenical partnership, assist with our Parish International Mass, coordinate writing letters to prisoners of conscience and promote actions to tackle climate change.
If you are interested in joining the Group, please keep an eye out in the Parish Newsletter for when the next meeting is.
All are welcome.
Hope for the future

A project of our Diocese which helps us to celebrate our gifts and identify the others that still lie dormant.We can then explore how to harness these gifts for the good of the parish and its mission.

Music is central to worship. This includes singing or playing an instrument. We are always looking for new talent to support this vital ministry. Can you join this group?
Money Counters

Money counters. Weekly collections are counted, checked and logged by volunteers.
Parish centre

Our parish centre is used for many parish activities as well as social events. The centre may be hired for functions.
Contact Lynn Greenhalgh on 0779237186 for further information.

The Liturgy of the Word is at the heart of all our Liturgical celebrations. A rota for readers is organised for Vigil/Sunday Masses,
and other special feasts and holidays throughout the Church’s year. New readers are always welcome.
Rota organiser

This ministry is vital for the smooth organisation of Readers, Extraordinary Ministers of The Eucharist, Welcomers
and Flower arranging.
Repository Shop

Repository Shop is situated in the Church porch.Whilst we have a volunteer who opens it after mass we need
more volunteers to have it more available. Contact (TBC).

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a programme of instruction for those seeking membership of the
Catholic Church. The courses run from September to Easter. Speak to the Priest if you are interested.

Safeguarding representatives have special responsibility for promoting good and safe practices in all activities involving
children, young people and adults at risk.
Representatives are:
Parish: Jenny Whitton (07717 432 247)
Diocese: Dawn Lundergan (07730 899 978)
Further information in Church porch notice board.
Uniform Groups

There are a number of groups in the parish. They meet weekly during term time.
Girl groups only are:
Rainbows (5-7 yrs) Tuesday 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Brownies 7-10 yrs) Monday 6:15 pm - 7:15 pm
Guides (10-14 yrs) Monday 7:30 pm - 8:45 pm
These groups all meet in parish centre.


We have very strong links with both St Philip’s R.C. Primary and St Monica’s R.C. High School.
We share and support each other through Liturgical services, social events and in the education of the pupils.

Boys and Girls groups are:
Beavers (6 - 8 yrs) Monday 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Cubs (8 - 10½ yrs) Tuesday 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Scouts (10½-14 yrs) Wednesday 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
These groups all meet in the school hall
Contact Sue Atkinson for further details on 07930 500 569

We urgently require help:
Preparing tea/coffee after the St Peregrine Mass (held on the first Saturday of every month).
Opening of the Parish Centre before the Sacramental Programme meetings.
Uniform Groups are always looking for extra help.

Welcoming the congregation at the different masses has been a long tradition at our Church.
Welcomers give out mass books, the weekly newsletters, arrange the offertory gifts and any retiring collections.
There is a rota and families are encouraged to get involved in this minsitry.

There are many volunteers who are involved in the preparation for all liturgical services:
Organising the bread and wine
Looking after the altar linen, priests’ vestments
Orders wine, hosts, candles
Can you spare some time to help?

This local charity, run by the Spiritans, helps provide support for asylum seekers and refugees.
Donations for them are collected on the first weekend of every month and can be left in Church (inside the side altar).

The Parish office is the main point of contact for any enquiries.
Answering the phone and door reception is mainly staffed by volunteers.
There is need for daytime volunteers.
Contact Number: 0161 792 2152